Is it worth renovating a garage - Renovation Builder Melbourne

Is Renovating a Garage Worth It?

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    Our garage is often overlooked, just sitting there quietly. We see it as a place to dump stuff rather than a useful part of our home.

    But if you think about it, could your garage be more than just a place to park your car or store things?

    As someone who knows something about fixing up spaces here in Melbourne, I think the answer might be different than you expected.

    Imagine the possibilities of a renovated garage-it’s like discovering a hidden gem in your home. Renovating a garage can provide practical benefits like additional living space and enhance your property’s overall allure and value.

    When you ask me if a garage renovation is worthwhile,  yes! It’s about the immediate benefits of extra space and the long-term value it adds to your property.

    Garage renovation is it worth it - Renovation Builder Melbourne

    Signs You Need a Garage Renovation

    We have gone through different types of renovations, and honestly, the garage is the least favourite among our clients. True enough, garages are often overlooked and underutilised spaces in many homes.

    Your garage might be silently begging for a makeover, but how do you know when it’s time to roll up your sleeves and give it the attention it deserves?

    Here are some telltale signs that your garage is due for a renovation:

    Clutter Overload

    When your garage becomes a chaotic maze of piled-up belongings, it can be frustrating to find anything you need. A renovation can help you reclaim control over this space by installing smart storage solutions like shelving, cabinets, and overhead racks. These additions can efficiently store your items, making it easier to access what you need while keeping the garage tidy and organised.

    Outdated Design

    An outdated garage can detract from your home’s overall appeal and functionality. You can create a more inviting space that reflects your style by giving it a fresh new look. This might involve updating the walls with a fresh coat of paint, replacing worn-out flooring with durable and easy-to-clean options like epoxy or rubber tiles, and installing energy-efficient lighting fixtures to brighten the space.

    Lack of Functionality

    Your garage should serve as a versatile space that meets your specific needs. If it’s not living up to its potential, a renovation can help you customise it to suit your lifestyle better. For example, you could create a designated area for woodworking or crafting, install a built-in workbench with ample storage for tools and supplies, or even convert part of the garage into a home gym or hobby room.

    Structural Issues

    Structural problems like cracks in the walls, water leaks, and pest infestations are not only unsightly but also pose serious risks to the integrity of your garage. A renovation presents an opportunity to address these issues head-on, repairing any damage and reinforcing the structure to ensure its stability and longevity. This might involve waterproofing the walls, replacing damaged insulation, and sealing gaps or cracks to prevent pests from entering.

    Home Value Concerns

    Your garage can significantly impact your home’s overall value and marketability. If you plan to sell your home, a well-designed and properly maintained garage can attract potential buyers and increase your property’s resale value. A renovation can help you achieve this by enhancing the garage’s curb appeal, improving its functionality, and incorporating desirable features like custom storage solutions, upgraded flooring, and energy-efficient amenities.

    Renovating a garage is it worth it - Renovation Builders Melbourne

    Factors to Consider Before Renovating

    Before diving into a garage renovation project, it’s essential to consider several key factors to ensure a successful outcome.

    Here are some factors you should keep in mind before jumping into any renovation:


    Determine how much you’re willing to invest in your garage renovation. Establishing a realistic budget upfront will help guide your decisions and prevent overspending. Remember to account for materials, labour costs, permits, and any unexpected expenses that may arise during the renovation process.


    Clearly define the purpose of your renovated garage. Are you looking to create additional living space, expand storage capacity, or enhance functionality? Understanding your goals will help you prioritise features and design elements that align with your needs and lifestyle.

    Space Constraints

    Assess the size and layout of your garage to identify any space constraints or limitations. Consider ceiling height, existing structural elements, and access points (e.g., doors and windows) when planning your renovation—Maximise available space by optimising storage solutions and minimising clutter.

    Local Regulations

    Before starting your renovation:

    1. Familiarise yourself with local building codes, zoning regulations, and permit requirements.
    2. Ensure your renovation plans comply with applicable laws and regulations to avoid costly fines or delays.
    3. Consult with local authorities or a qualified professional to clarify specific requirements.


    Determine a realistic timeline for your garage renovation project, considering factors such as construction phases, material procurement, and contractor availability. Establishing a timeline will help you stay organised and track progress throughout the renovation. Be prepared for unforeseen delays and setbacks, and allow for flexibility in your schedule.

    Contractors and Suppliers

    Research and vet potential contractors and suppliers before hiring them for your renovation project. Look for experienced professionals with a proven track record of quality artistry and customer satisfaction. Obtain multiple quotes and references and review contracts carefully to ensure clear terms and expectations.

    Design and Aesthetics

    Consider the overall design and aesthetics you want to achieve with your garage renovation. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a rustic, industrial vibe, choose design elements and finishes that reflect your style and complement the rest of your home’s aesthetic.

    Functionality and Efficiency

    Prioritise functionality and efficiency when planning your garage renovation. Optimise storage solutions, workspace layout, and traffic flow to maximise usability and convenience. Incorporate energy-efficient features and sustainable materials to minimise environmental impact and reduce long-term operating costs.

    Garage renovation - Renovation Builder Melbourne

    Renovating your garage can offer many benefits beyond just enhancing its appearance. Here are some potential advantages to consider:

    Increased Home Value

    A well-executed garage renovation can significantly increase the overall value of your home. Adding functional living space or improving storage options makes your property more attractive to potential buyers, which can result in a higher resale value.

    Expanded Living Space

    Converting your garage into a usable living area can provide valuable extra space for your family. Whether it’s a home office, a gym, a playroom, or a guest suite, a renovated garage can serve as a versatile extension of your home, accommodating your evolving needs and lifestyle.

    Improved Organisation

    Renovating your garage allows you to optimise storage solutions and declutter your space. Custom cabinets, shelving units, and overhead storage systems can help you efficiently organise tools, equipment, and seasonal items, making it easier to find what you need when you need it.

    Enhanced Functionality

    A renovated garage can be tailored to suit your specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast, a car enthusiast, or a hobbyist, you can customise your garage with features like built-in workbenches, speciality flooring, and dedicated equipment storage to enhance its functionality and usability.

    Curb Appeal

    A visually appealing garage can enhance the overall curb appeal of your home. Upgrading the exterior with features like a new garage door, exterior lighting, and landscaping can improve the aesthetic appeal of your property, making it more attractive to visitors and potential buyers.

    Energy Efficiency

    Renovating your garage presents an opportunity to improve energy efficiency and reduce utility costs. Upgrading insulation, installing energy-efficient windows and doors, and adding weather sealing can help regulate temperature and reduce heat loss, creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient space.

    Personal Enjoyment

    Ultimately, renovating your garage can enhance your enjoyment of your home and improve your quality of life. Whether creating a dedicated space for your hobbies or hobbies or simply having a clean and organised space to park your car, a renovated garage can make your daily routines more enjoyable and stress-free.

    Renovation Idea Components Cost Range
    Guest Suite Insulation and drywall installation
    Murphy bed or sleeper sofa
    Small kitchenette and bathroom amenities
    $1,000 - $3,000
    $500 - $2,000
    $1,000 - $5,000
    Playroom Soft flooring or carpet tiles
    Storage solutions (toy chests, shelves, bins)
    Play equipment (play kitchen, activity table)
    $200 - $1,000
    $100 - $500
    $200 - $1,000
    Outdoor Retreat Glass garage doors
    Weather-resistant furniture
    Landscaping with potted plants and accessories
    $1,000 - $5,000
    $500 - $2,000
    $500 - $3,000
    Home Library Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves
    Comfortable seating (armchairs, chaise lounges)
    Lighting fixtures (floor lamps, sconces)
    $300 - $1,500
    $200 - $1,000
    $100 - $500
    Workshop Sturdy workbenches
    Power tools (drills, saws, sanders)
    Storage solutions (cabinets, shelves, pegboards)
    $200 - $1,000
    $100 - $1,000
    $200 - $1,000

    Multipurpose Workspace

    Create a versatile workspace by installing a sturdy workbench along one wall. Depending on the size and materials used, this essential component could cost between $500 and $2,000. Incorporating cabinets, shelves, and pegboards for organisation enhances functionality and adds aesthetic appeal. These additional storage solutions might cost an extra $500 to $1,500, but they’ll keep your tools and supplies easily accessible and neatly organised, saving you time and frustration during projects.

    Home Gym

    Transforming your garage into a fitness sanctuary involves several key considerations. High-quality gym flooring protects your equipment and provides a comfortable workout surface. Costs for flooring can range from $200 to $1,000, depending on the material chosen. Mirrors are another essential element, helping you check your form and technique during workouts. Budget an additional $100 to $500 for mirrors. Regarding exercise equipment, costs vary widely based on your preferences and fitness goals. Allocate a budget of $500 to $3,000 or more, depending on your chosen equipment.

    Entertainment Zone

    Creating an entertainment hub in your garage offers endless possibilities for relaxation and fun. Investing in a big-screen TV is often the focal point of this setup, with costs ranging from $300 to $1,500 depending on size and features. Comfortable seating is essential for long movie nights or gaming sessions and might cost $500 to $2,000 or more. Adding amenities like a mini-fridge or popcorn machine can enhance the experience further, with additional costs ranging from $100 to $500.

    Creative Studio

    Designing a space for creativity requires thoughtful planning and attention to detail. Easels and basic art supplies are fundamental components, with costs ranging from $200 to $1,000. Ample lighting is essential for creating an inspiring work environment, with fixtures ranging from $100 to $500. Storage bins and inspirational artwork add functionality and contribute to the space’s aesthetic appeal. Budget an additional $100 to $500 for these elements.

    Home Office

    Setting up a productive home office requires careful consideration of furniture and storage solutions. A spacious desk is the centrepiece of this setup, with costs ranging from $200 to $1,000, depending on size and quality. An ergonomic chair is essential for long work or study hours and might cost $100 to $500. Investing in built-in storage solutions or filing cabinets is crucial for staying organised and productive, with costs ranging from $200 to $1,000 or more depending on size and features.

    Guest Suite

    Transforming your garage into a guest suite involves several key components. Insulation and drywall installation are essential for creating a comfortable living space, with costs ranging from $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the size of the garage. A Murphy bed or sleeper sofa is a versatile option for accommodating guests, with costs ranging from $500 to $2,000 or more, depending on the style and quality. Adding a small kitchenette and bathroom amenities can enhance the guest experience, with costs ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the fixtures and finishes chosen.


    Designing a playroom for kids requires careful consideration of safety and functionality. Soft flooring or carpet tiles provide a comfortable and safe surface for play, with costs ranging from $200 to $1,000, depending on the space size. Incorporating storage solutions such as toy chests, shelves, and bins helps keep toys and games organised and easily accessible, with costs ranging from $100 to $500. Play equipment such as a play kitchen or activity table adds to the fun and can cost $200 to $1,000 or more, depending on the size and features.

    Outdoor Retreat

    Creating an indoor-outdoor retreat in your garage offers a unique opportunity to blend indoor comfort with outdoor ambience. Installing glass garage doors allows for seamless integration with the outdoors and can cost $1,000 to $5,000 or more, depending on the size and style. Weather-resistant furniture is essential for durability and comfort and might cost $500 to $2,000, depending on the quality and style. Depending on the project’s scope, landscaping with potted plants and outdoor accessories adds the finishing touch and can cost $500 to $3,000 or more.

    Home Library

    Designing a cosy reading nook or home library provides a tranquil space for relaxation and reflection. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves maximise storage space and add architectural interest to the room. Costs for bookshelves can range from $300 to $1,500, depending on the size and material. Comfortable seating such as armchairs or chaise lounges invites you to curl up with a good book and might cost $200 to $1,000 or more, depending on the style and quality. Lighting fixtures such as floor lamps or sconces provide ambient lighting for reading sessions, costing $100 to $500, depending on the style and design.


    Setting up a fully-equipped workshop in your garage requires careful planning and investment in tools and equipment. Sturdy workbenches provide a stable surface for projects, costing $200 to $1,000 each, depending on size and material. Power tools such as drills, saws, and sanders are essential for woodworking and other hobbies and might range from $100 to $1,000 or more each, depending on the type and quality. Storage solutions such as cabinets, shelves, and pegboards help keep tools and supplies organised and accessible and can cost $200 to $1,000 or more, depending on size and features.

    Garage Renovation Costs
    Renovation Type Cost Range
    Basic Renovation $1,000 - $5,000
    Functional Upgrades $5,000 - $10,000
    Conversion into Living Space $10,000 - $50,000+
    Specialised Renovations $5,000 - $20,000
    Premium Renovations $20,000+

    The cost of a garage renovation can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size of the garage, the extent of the renovations, the materials and finishes chosen, and labour costs in your area. However, here are some general cost estimates for common garage renovation projects:

    Basic Renovation

    A basic renovation, including cleaning, decluttering, and minor repairs, could cost anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000.

    Functional Upgrades

    Adding functional upgrades such as insulation, drywall installation, and basic electrical wiring can significantly increase costs. Expect to pay between $5,000 and $10,000 for these upgrades, depending on the garage’s size and the work’s complexity.

    Conversion into Living Space

    Suppose you plan to convert your garage into a living space such as a guest suite, home office, or studio apartment. In that case, costs can vary widely depending on the level of finish and amenities desired. This type of renovation could cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on factors such as insulation, flooring, plumbing, and electrical work.

    Specialised Renovations

    Specialised renovations, such as creating a home gym, entertainment zone, or workshop, can also vary in cost depending on the specific features and equipment you choose. Depending on the complexity and customisation, expect to pay between $5,000 and $20,000 for these renovations.

    Premium Renovations

    Premium renovations, including high-end finishes, custom cabinetry, and luxury amenities, can significantly increase the project’s cost. These types of renovations could cost $20,000 or more, depending on the level of customisation and luxury features.

    Maximising the return on investment (ROI) in a garage renovation involves strategic planning and consideration of various factors. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your investment:

    Plan with Purpose

    Before starting your renovation, define your goals and priorities. Consider whether you’re renovating for personal use, increasing property value, or combining both. Understanding your objectives will help guide your decisions throughout the renovation process.

    Focus on Versatility

    Aim to design your garage space in a way that accommodates multiple uses. A versatile space appeals to a broader range of potential buyers if you’re renovating for resale. Consider flexible storage solutions, removable partitions, and adaptable furniture to maximise versatility.

    Invest in Quality Materials

    While sticking to your budget is essential, investing in quality materials can pay off in the long run. Durable materials not only enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your garage but also contribute to its longevity. Choose materials that are resistant to wear and tear, easy to maintain, and have a timeless appeal.

    Enhance Curb Appeal

    Pay attention to the exterior appearance of your garage. Improving curb appeal can significantly impact the perceived value of your property. Consider upgrading the garage door, adding landscaping, or applying a fresh coat of paint to enhance the overall aesthetics of the exterior.

    Maximise Storage Solutions

    Efficient storage solutions are highly desirable in a garage renovation. Install custom cabinets, shelving units, and overhead storage systems to maximise space and organisation. Clever storage solutions improve functionality and contribute to the overall appeal of the space.

    Consider Energy Efficiency

    Energy-efficient upgrades not only reduce utility costs but also increase the value of your property. Consider adding insulation, energy-efficient lighting, and HVAC systems to improve energy efficiency in your garage. These upgrades can attract environmentally-conscious buyers and contribute to long-term savings.

    Incorporate Smart Technology

    Integrating smart technology into your garage renovation can enhance convenience, security, and efficiency. Consider adding smart lighting, garage door openers, and security systems that can be controlled remotely via smartphone apps. These modern amenities appeal to tech-savvy buyers and can increase the perceived value of your property.

    Stay within Budget

    While it’s tempting to splurge on fancy upgrades, staying within your budget is essential to maximise ROI. Carefully plan your renovation project, prioritise essential upgrades, and allocate funds accordingly. Be mindful of potential cost overruns and unexpected expenses to avoid financial strain.

    Airbnb or rental units are increasingly popular options for homeowners looking to generate extra income or maximise the use of underutilised space on their property. Converting a garage into a rental unit or Airbnb can be an excellent opportunity to tap into this growing market while adding value to your home.

    However, converting a garage into a rental unit or Airbnb may require significant structural modifications to meet building codes and safety standards. This can include adding insulation, ventilation, plumbing, and electrical wiring to create a comfortable and habitable space. Evaluate the condition of your garage and budget accordingly for any necessary renovations.

    My thoughts? Yes, it can be possible, but keep in mind that converting your garage into a rental unit or Airbnb comes with its own set of considerations and challenges.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    There are several cost-effective ways to enhance the appearance of your garage. Painting the walls and floor with a fresh coat of paint can make a big difference. Adding decorative elements such as wall decals, artwork, or potted plants can also improve the aesthetics of the space. Updating the garage door with paint or decorative hardware can enhance curb appeal.

    Converting a garage into a rental unit or Airbnb may come with challenges, such as significant upfront costs for renovations, potential regulatory hurdles, and ongoing management responsibilities. Additionally, there may be concerns about noise, privacy, and parking issues, depending on the location and layout of the property.

    When hiring a contractor for your garage renovation, looking for someone with experience, expertise, and a solid reputation is essential. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbours, and research potential contractors online. Check their credentials, licenses, and insurance coverage, and ask for references from past clients. Get multiple quotes and compare them carefully, considering factors such as cost, timeline, and quality of artistry.


    Whether renovating a garage is worth it depends on your specific circumstances, goals, and preferences. While garages are often overlooked spaces, they have the potential to be transformed into valuable and functional parts of your home.

    A well-planned garage renovation can offer numerous benefits, including increased storage capacity, enhanced organisation, additional living space, improved property value, and the opportunity to tap into rental income through long-term leases or short-term Airbnb rentals.

    However, it’s essential to carefully consider factors such as budget, regulatory requirements, structural considerations, and ongoing maintenance and management responsibilities before embarking on a garage renovation project.

    By weighing the pros and cons, conducting thorough research, and seeking professional advice if needed, you can determine whether renovating your garage is right for you. Whether you’re looking to create a functional workspace, rent a unit, or enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your home, a well-executed garage renovation can be a worthwhile investment that adds value and enjoyment to your property for years to come.

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